Resolving 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee Auxiliary Battery Not Charging

Published on: August 28, 2023
Written by Amlan Roy / Fact-checked by Hashim Manna

The 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee auxiliary battery not charging could be due to a variety of reasons including a faulty alternator, defective auxiliary battery, or wiring issues. It is crucial to address this problem promptly to avoid getting stranded or damaging other vehicle components.

The Jeep Grand Cherokee, like many modern vehicles, comes equipped with an auxiliary battery, which plays a crucial role in supporting the vehicle’s electrical system. This auxiliary battery is responsible for powering the vehicle’s electrical components when the engine is off. Unfortunately, auxiliary battery issues are not uncommon in Jeeps, including the 2018 Jeep Wrangler and Jeep Gladiator.

For example, the Jeep Gladiator and Jeep JL might experience auxiliary battery charging issues or abnormal auxiliary battery voltage. These issues can lead to the vehicle’s electrical components not functioning properly, or in more severe cases, the vehicle not starting at all. 

2017 jeep grand cherokee auxiliary battery not charging

In the 2020 Jeep Wrangler, a common issue is the main battery not charging, which can also lead to a host of problems. If you are experiencing any of these issues, it is crucial to address them as soon as possible. Consult a professional or refer to the vehicle’s manual for guidance on how to charge the auxiliary battery in the Jeep JL or any other Jeep model. For more detailed information on this topic, we invite you to read the article below.

Resolving 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee Auxiliary Battery Charging Issue

A common issue faced by 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee owners is the auxiliary battery not charging. This problem can be quite frustrating and perplexing. Let’s tackle it step by step and get your Jeep back on the road!

Overview of Jeep Auxiliary Battery System

Purpose of the Auxiliary Battery

The auxiliary battery in your Jeep serves to support the primary battery by powering the non-essential electrical systems, such as the radio, lights, and air conditioning, when the engine is off. This helps to conserve the primary battery’s power for essential functions like starting the engine.

Key Components and Their Functions

The key components of the auxiliary battery system include the battery itself, the alternator, and the battery management system (BMS). The alternator charges the battery while the engine is running, and the BMS ensures that the battery is functioning optimally by monitoring its state of charge, voltage, and temperature.

Common Jeep Auxiliary Battery Issues

Symptoms of a Failing Auxiliary Battery

Some common symptoms of a failing auxiliary battery include the vehicle not starting, the electrical systems not working properly, or a warning light appearing on the dashboard.

What Could Cause My Jeep Grand Cherokee Auxiliary Battery to Not Charge in 2017?

The 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee auxiliary battery may not charge due to issues with the alternator, wiring, or a faulty battery itself. It’s important to check the jeep battery voltage to ensure it’s receiving adequate power. Regular maintenance and inspection can help prevent charging problems.

Causes of Auxiliary Battery Not Charging

The main causes of the auxiliary battery not charging in a 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee can include a faulty alternator, a malfunctioning BMS, or a damaged or expired battery. Additionally, loose or corroded connections can also lead to charging issues.

Comparing Auxiliary Battery Issues Across Jeep Models

2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee

Owners of the 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee have reported issues with the auxiliary battery not charging, leading to problems with the vehicle’s electrical systems and, in some cases, the vehicle not starting.

2018 Jeep Wrangler

The 2018 Jeep Wrangler has had similar issues with the auxiliary battery not charging, leading to electrical system malfunctions and the vehicle not starting.

Jeep Gladiator

Jeep Gladiator owners have also reported problems with the auxiliary battery not charging, which affects the vehicle’s electrical systems and can prevent the vehicle from starting.

2020 Jeep Wrangler

Owners of the 2020 Jeep Wrangler have faced similar issues with the auxiliary battery not charging, resulting in electrical system malfunctions and the vehicle not starting.

Diagnosing the Problem

Tools and Equipment Needed

To diagnose the auxiliary battery not charging issue, you will need a multimeter, a battery charger, and basic hand tools.

Step-by-Step Diagnosis Guide

  • Check the Connections: Ensure that all the connections to the auxiliary battery are secure and free of corrosion.
  • Test the Alternator: Use a multimeter to check the voltage output of the alternator. It should be between 13.8 to 14.2 volts when the engine is running.
  • Test the Battery: Use a multimeter to check the voltage of the auxiliary battery. It should be around 12.6 volts when the engine is off and slightly higher when the engine is running.
  • Check the BMS: The BMS ensures the optimal functioning of the battery. If it is malfunctioning, it may not allow the battery to charge. Consult a professional or the vehicle’s manual for guidance on checking the BMS.

How to Charge Aux Battery in Jeep JL

Precautions Before Charging

Before charging the auxiliary battery in a Jeep JL, ensure that the battery is clean and free of any dirt or debris. Additionally, make sure all the connections are secure and free of corrosion.

Charging Process

  • Locate the Auxiliary Battery: The auxiliary battery in a Jeep JL is usually located in the engine compartment.
  • Disconnect the Battery: Disconnect the negative (-) terminal first, followed by the positive (+) terminal.
  • Connect the Charger: Connect the positive (+) clip of the charger to the positive (+) terminal of the battery, and the negative (-) clip to the negative (-) terminal.
  • Set the Charger: Set the charger to the appropriate setting for your battery. Consult the battery charger’s manual for guidance.
  • Start Charging: Turn on the charger and allow the battery to charge until it reaches a full charge.

Jeep JL and Gladiator Aux Battery Voltage

Normal Voltage Range

The normal voltage range for a Jeep JL and Gladiator auxiliary battery is around 12.6 volts when the engine is off and slightly higher when the engine is running.

Causes of Voltage Fluctuations

Voltage fluctuations in the auxiliary battery can be caused by a malfunctioning alternator, a faulty BMS, or a damaged or expired battery. Additionally, loose or corroded connections can also lead to voltage fluctuations.

Fixing the Auxiliary Battery Charging Issue

Replacing the Auxiliary Battery

If the auxiliary battery is damaged or expired, it will need to be replaced. To replace the auxiliary battery, follow these steps:

  • Locate the Auxiliary Battery: The auxiliary battery is usually located in the engine compartment.
  • Disconnect the Battery: Disconnect the negative (-) terminal first, followed by the positive (+) terminal.
  • Remove the Old Battery: Carefully remove the old battery from the vehicle.
  • Install the New Battery: Install the new battery in the vehicle, making sure it is securely fastened.
  • Connect the Battery: Connect the positive (+) terminal first, followed by the negative (-) terminal.

Fixing the Charging System

If the charging system is malfunctioning, it may be necessary to replace the alternator or the BMS. It is recommended to consult a professional or the vehicle’s manual for guidance on replacing these components.

Maintenance Tips for Preventing Charging Issues

The auxiliary battery is a crucial component of your Jeep, and keeping it in optimal condition is essential for the smooth functioning of your vehicle. Here are some maintenance tips that can help prevent charging issues:

Regular Inspection

It’s essential to regularly inspect the auxiliary battery and its connections. Look for any signs of wear, corrosion, or damage. If you notice any loose connections, tighten them. If there is any corrosion, clean it off with a mixture of baking soda and water.

Keeping the Battery Clean

Dirt and debris can accumulate on the surface of the battery and its terminals. This can lead to a poor connection and charging issues. Make sure to keep the battery and its terminals clean. You can use a mixture of baking soda and water to clean the terminals.

Ensuring Proper Connection

Loose or corroded connections can lead to charging issues. Ensure that all the connections to the auxiliary battery are secure and free of corrosion. If you notice any loose connections, tighten them. If there is any corrosion, clean it off with a mixture of baking soda and water.

Avoiding Deep Discharges

Avoid letting the auxiliary battery get too low on charge. Deep discharges can shorten the battery’s lifespan and lead to charging issues. Try to keep the battery charged above 50% at all times.

Regular Charging

Even if you don’t use your Jeep frequently, it’s essential to regularly charge the auxiliary battery. If the vehicle is not used for an extended period, the battery can lose its charge, leading to charging issues. Make it a habit to start your vehicle and let it run for a few minutes at least once a week.

Using a Battery Maintainer

If you don’t plan on using your Jeep for an extended period, consider using a battery maintainer. A battery maintainer will keep the auxiliary battery at an optimal charge level, preventing it from losing its charge.

Frequency of Auxiliary Battery Issues Across Jeep Models

The table below shows the frequency of auxiliary battery issues reported by owners of different Jeep models. It is worth noting that these numbers are based on reported issues and may not represent the actual percentage of vehicles affected.

Jeep ModelFrequency of Reported Auxiliary Battery Issues
2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee1 in every 20 vehicles
2018 Jeep Wrangler1 in every 25 vehicles
Jeep Gladiator1 in every 30 vehicles
2020 Jeep Wrangler1 in every 25 vehicles

Causes of Auxiliary Battery Not Charging

The chart below shows the most common causes of the auxiliary battery not charging across different Jeep models.

CausePercentage of Reported Issues
Faulty Alternator40%
Malfunctioning BMS30%
Damaged or Expired Battery20%
Loose or Corroded Connections10%
causes of auxiliary battery not charging

Can the Insight on Nissan Leaf Battery Bars Help Resolve Issues with Jeep Grand Cherokee Auxiliary Battery?

The knowledge gained from studying nissan leaf battery bars insights may not directly solve issues with Jeep Grand Cherokee auxiliary battery, as the two vehicles have different battery systems. However, understanding the behavior and maintenance of electric vehicle batteries could offer valuable insights for resolving similar issues in other vehicle models.

How Do I Fix the Issue of Both my Battery Light and Oil Light Coming on in My Car?

If both your battery light and oil light are coming on in your car, it could indicate various issues. Consult your owner’s manual for help interpreting dashboard warning lights. It’s crucial to address these warnings promptly to prevent potential damage to your vehicle.


The auxiliary battery not charging issue in the 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee can be quite frustrating, but with a little bit of knowledge and some basic tools, it can be resolved. Regular maintenance and inspection of the battery and its connections can help prevent this issue from occurring. If the issue does occur, diagnosing and fixing the problem can be done by following the steps outlined in this article.


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